Friday, October 23, 2009

Third and Forth Week Weigh-In

So this week Kevin, Wendy and their amazing client Stacy were back on Breakfast TV:

We talked about jazzing up your ab's routine and circuit training Endurance 8 Fit Camp Style.
Here are some tips
1. do more than a simple crunch for your abs routine, try holding a dumbell, medicine ball or cable/tubing
2. do your crunches on an unstable surface such as a stability ball or BOSU
3. try to do abs 4-5 times per week about 3-4 different exercises 15-20 reps and switch it up.
you can go to our website under the NEWS section Kevin and Wendy have two really great published articles on ABDOMINAL exercises!

The results are in for the Biggest loser week three and four weigh ins:
At week three the ladies lost a combined total of 19 lbs bringing their weight loss to date up to 58.4 lbs.

At week four the ladies brought their combined weight loss up to 74.2 lbs, wow if they keep melting at this rate they would have lost an entire person! Great work ladies keep up the super work we are cheering for you!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Second Week Weigh In

So proud of the ladies who are taking part in Endurance 8 Fit Camp's Biggest loser challenge!

After two weeks the results are in, the ladies are down collectively another 9.4 lbs that makes their total to date about 40 lbs down!

Great work ladies and keep up the fantastic work, we know you can make it to your target goal.

Tips to keep active in this snowy weather:
1. keep some dumbells by the front door, so while you are waiting for the car to warm up, do some bicep curls, this little bit of activity will help you shed extra pounds over time and warm you up for outside.
2. go for a walk and enjoy the outdoors, check out the new seasonal decorations, and early glimpses of holiday lights, this is also a great way to stress relieve.
3. make a snowman with the kids, it takes energy to build up "frosty", and because you are using your legs to roll the ball of snow, you are actually doing a lunge or squat for the time you are outside.

Have fun, and keep active!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Holiday Survival Tips

Surviving that yummy holiday temptation....

We all look forward to time off with our families, sitting around in the kitchen gabbing, laughing and trying out some family recipes. However, the week after many of us feel sluggish, maybe even a bit guilty for a bit of holiday overindulgence. So the question is how do you get through the big dinner without compromising your health and fitness goals?

1. Get out earlier that day and go for a workout, power walk with the family or just play outside with the kids. If you can follow this level of activity for at least one hour you are destined to burn between 200-700 extra calories.
2. Drink lots of water that day, so you will feel fuller and also keep your thirst in check so you are less likely to go for sweets or other food cravings that we often think we need when we are actually just dehydrated and need some clean H2O.
3. Have the lean protein such as the white turkey breast (skin off), chicken breast or fish. Say no to gravy, extra sauces or salty additions.
4. Say yes to veggies and salad. We often tell clients, if you are invited out for dinner and are unsure of what will be on the table, then bring the host a very nice garden salad, not only are you being helpful you know it is one item you can eat!
5. Say no to alcohol, 1 drink lets say is 100 calories (1.5oz of hard alcohol or wine or beer) if you have three that is 300 calories, if you have 10 that is equivalent to 1 pound of extra weight you have just put on. Remember 1 pound of body fat is 3500 calories, so the little extras really add up.

Last but not least, remember to have fun and be proud of your commitment to living a healthy lifestyle and remember to give thanks to those people and things around you that you feel proud to be around or have accomplished this year!

Friday, October 2, 2009

First Week Weigh-in for Endurance 8 Fit Camp

So our E8-Fit Campers survived their first week...

We are training 6 ladies including our Biggest Loser Contestant Stacy and charting their progress with regular weigh-ins. We are so proud of the amazing energy that these ladies bring to each of their workouts.

Here are some highlights from the first week:
1. all of the ladies showed fierce ability doing stairs, and when one of the contestants was having a little bit of difficulty, all of the other girls cheered her on! What amazing spirit!!!

2. after one week of training the ladies of lost collectively an amazing 31 pounds!!!

We are so proud of you ladies and know you are going to reach your goals.