Friday, October 23, 2009

Third and Forth Week Weigh-In

So this week Kevin, Wendy and their amazing client Stacy were back on Breakfast TV:

We talked about jazzing up your ab's routine and circuit training Endurance 8 Fit Camp Style.
Here are some tips
1. do more than a simple crunch for your abs routine, try holding a dumbell, medicine ball or cable/tubing
2. do your crunches on an unstable surface such as a stability ball or BOSU
3. try to do abs 4-5 times per week about 3-4 different exercises 15-20 reps and switch it up.
you can go to our website under the NEWS section Kevin and Wendy have two really great published articles on ABDOMINAL exercises!

The results are in for the Biggest loser week three and four weigh ins:
At week three the ladies lost a combined total of 19 lbs bringing their weight loss to date up to 58.4 lbs.

At week four the ladies brought their combined weight loss up to 74.2 lbs, wow if they keep melting at this rate they would have lost an entire person! Great work ladies keep up the super work we are cheering for you!!!!

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