Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It is 2011 and we are really into the second decade of the 2000's, wow where did the time go! I remember when Seinfeld, Melrose Place and Friends were the shows of choice and laptops were new and novel. Ask yourself, how can you make this decade better and different than the last? What health goals do you want to set for yourself now that you didn't feel you had time for before? Certainly, New Years Resolutions are a great starting point for many, but how about a decade of Resolutions...this may give you more "time" to set realistic long terms goals, instead of just focusing on the here and now.

Here are some great starting points, that will take time to achieve, but will give you a vision that you can work towards a little bit at a time:
1. Plan a family or friendship reunion, good health can begin with support of family and friends, we all need to belong to something and feel connected to those who care about us!
2. Plan a lifestyle journey, this may be a hike in a distant land..., exploring foreign terrain, or as simple as making it to the Mountains right outside our front door!
3. Photo journalize your weight loss adventure over the next decade, take pictures, scrapbook them, put your pictures somewhere special and make that decision to look better and feel better every year! This is also a great excuse to get out and buy that new camera :)
4. Try a fitness competition, run, triathalon, power walk for charity, or relay race. There are endless possibilities for you to choose from, find something that is "YOU" and go for it.
5.Let you goals gain momentum over the next decade, find something that you want to do, include friends or family, take workshops, study it, find books or research about your goal, talk about it and let it transform your life into something amazing!!!!

Congratulations to you all on all the wonderful things you achieved in 2010 and we are so excited for all that is possible for 2011 and beyond!!!


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