Monday, November 14, 2011

Endurance on 8th's New Website and Blog

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for following our blog over the years! We are so excited to announce that we have a new blog that is directly linked to our Endurance on 8th Health Centre's Website.

Please go to our website and proceed to the blog area of our site.

Or to go directly to our blog visit
We will continue to bring you top tips on health and wellness and now have the ability to update you on a more regular basis!

In best health,
Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby & Dr. Kevin Ashby

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby's Amazing Mom Transformation

36 year old mother of a little guy who is 10 months old. First time mom, Doctor of Chiropractic, Fitness professional and 1/2 of Calgary’s fit couple. I have found that it takes a lot of planning to find that one hour a day for yourself! My tip is to walk as many times during the week that you can with your baby, nursing is excellent for your baby and for returning your body back to your pre-pregnancy figure, and with careful planning it is important to include yourself on your list of things to accomplish each day! Also it takes 9 months for your body to grow a baby, so be patient and give yourself the time post-baby to get your figure back, if you stick to your goal, don’t worry it will happen!

#1 tip in staying fit and balancing being a mom:

(BE CONSISTENT, PATIENT AND SET SOME GOALS) For new moms remember if you stick to your goal of leading a healthy lifestyle and getting your pre-baby figure back, your consistency will pay off, don't worry it will happen! I Have found that taking my baby for long walks, balanced with good nutrition, nursing and weight training a few times per week has boosted my energy levels and helped me spring back into shape. The best reward of it all is I have the energy to keep up with my little boy!

Egg White Omelette (serve 4 egg whites/person)

We love Egg’s they are so fast to cook, packed with protein, affordable and delicious.

Whip up Egg whites with your favourite spices

Sauté zucchini, onions, green peppers in non-stick fry pan, (can coat pan with Pam Spray

Pour Egg white mixture on veggies and cook until firm

Grate a table spoon of low fat cheddar cheese over omelette

Serve on Wasa Crisp Bread or Whole Grain Toast!

Trish Mangone-Kish's Amazing Mom Transformation


" Hi my name is Trish and I’m 31 years old. I’ve been competing now for 5 years. I started competing after I had my first 2 kids who were 1 and 3 years old at the time. I was hooked after I did my first competition. I just took last year off to have another baby who is 10 months old and I’m planning on doing another competition May 7th. I love living a healthy lifestyle and I encourage my family to do the same. Healthy eating and being active plays a huge role in our everyday life.”

#1 tip in staying fit and balancing being a mom: (MOMMY TIME IS IMPORTANT TIME & SETS A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN) I balance my healthy lifestyle by making it a daily priority. I want to set a good example for my children.

Protein Pancakes

We love to eat these for breakfast - and so do our kids! They pack and travel great as a snack.

Ingredients (makes 10 pancakes):

3.5 Cups Oatmeal (you can adjust this to change the consistency/thickness)
16 Egg Whites (500g carton, you can pick these up at Wal Mart, Costco, etc.)
500 ml Cottage Cheese (1% or Fat Free)
1 tbsp. Vanilla (adjust this to your taste preference)
1 tbsp. Cinnamon (adjust this to your taste preference)
1 tbsp. Splenda Sweetener (adjust this to your taste preference)

Mix all ingredients together. (You can blend oatmeal, cottage cheese and egg whites for a more "smooth pancake look") Cook at medium temp in a pan prepared with cooking spray. Portion using 1/2 cup measuring cup for accurate nutritional/calorie values. Lightly brown on both sides. (Approximately 2-3 minutes per side) Serving suggestions: Add sugar free syrup, jam, or sliced fruit.

Kelsey Peck's Amazing Mom Transformation

"I am a very busy 24 year old mother of two beautiful little girls, ages 4 and almost 2. I am originally from Duncan, BC and moved to Calgary in February of 2006 .I have always been relatively healthy and enjoying staying fit, but I found a love for competing in 2010 when I did my first IDFA show. I found proper balance by staying fit, eating clean, and keeping a gym routine, and of course chasing after two little ones!"


Yummy frozen yogurt snack

Greek style Yogurt




Blend together and keep in the freezer

Meghan Leonard's Amazing Mom Transformation

31 year old mom of a 4 year old son. "Being a mom is the most rewarding and challenging thing I've ever done. I had always been an active person, working out and playing competitive sports, but after becoming a single parent I found it much more difficult to commit to team sports and other types of exercise because of childcare issues. I decided that I would find activities that I could do with my son as well making a very conscious effort to make time for myself and fitness. When I learned of competing in fitness, I was intrigued and terrified. Something I never contemplated doing, however I love pushing the limits and setting new challenges and so I committed to an 11 week plan. I placed 4th of 12 in my first IDFA competition. My Son was very impressed with my medal although he keeps asking me to go back and win the trophy! It was a challenging journey but more importantly it has taught me self-motivation, self-discipline, and has given me confidence that I carry with me. It gave me a sense of empowerment, strength and a new focus".

#1 tip in staying fit and balancing being a mom: (BE CREATIVE AND INCLUDE YOUR CHILDREN IN YOUR FITNESS, I.E STROLLER CLASSES, BIKE RIDES) When my son was a baby I did a lot of mom and baby stroller fit classes. Now that my son is older we find ways to do cardio together i.e. bike rides or I will run while he is riding his bike, tobogganing and skiing are also fun family activities. I also manage my fitness time wisely, I like to use my lunch hour at work for weight training and then in the evenings I can spend more time with my son.

Turkey Burgers

Ground turkey, lots of fresh basil, chopped onions, lemon juice

Mix together and make 4 oz. patties

Bake at 400 for 20 min

Freeze for quick dinners when you are on the run

Great turkey burgers for the kids with a whole wheat bun and cheese

Great with a spinach salad for mommy!

Lori Chinnery's Amazing Mom Transformation

35 year old mother of 2 children ages 2 and 5. Started her fitness journey at age 21 after deciding to quit smoking took charge of her health and the rest is history! "Having 2 children has motivated me to take even better care of myself than I did when I was in my teens / early twenties. I am a full time personal trainer, mother and professional fitness model / figure athlete. Life can get hectic at times, but having balance between family, work and my fitness is of the utmost importance and keeps me focused on my goals".

#1 tip in staying fit and balancing being a mom: (ALWAYS SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUTS AND FITNESS LIKE ANY OTHER APPOINTMENT IN YOUR DAY). I know that being fit and healthy also makes me a better mom and positive role model to my children.

Turkey Loaf Recipe

Dinner in under 10 min ( prep is under ten) still needs to cook in oven for 1 hour at 350 degrees
1 lb. fresh ground turkey breast
2 cup fresh spinach chopped
1 sweet red bell pepper finely chopped
1/2 onion finely chopped
1 egg
1/2 cup oats
1 1/2 tsp. PC Blue menu Sundried tomato seasoning.
Mix all ingredients together and bake at 350 C for one hour.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Active Mom + Healthy Lifestyle = Healthy Family
For Calgary's Fit Couple, this is a very special Mother's Day! We are celebrating the birth of our first child and our first Mother's Day. What a year! It has been full of challenges and rewards and has taught new Mom, Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby, a lot of lessons regarding balancing life at home and work with the demands of motherhood and leading a healthy and fitness oriented lifestyle.

In honour of Mother's Day, Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby has invited four fit moms to come along with her to Breakfast Television on Friday May 6, 2011 to chat about balancing life as a mom with leading a healthy lifestyle, and to reveal their amazing transformations post baby!!!

We also know how busy a day in the life of a caregiver can be, so we have asked all of our mom's to provide some nutrition packed recipes that you can prepare in under 10 minutes!!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, and thank-you to our own mothers's and grandmothers and caregivers who have been special in our own lives, we truly appreciate everything you have done to help us become the best people we could possibly be!!!

(The beautiful mother in the above photo is Lori Chinnery, please go to the next blog to learn more about Lori's amazing transformation to becoming a professional fitness model, as well as the stories of four other moms)....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Support the Alberta Health Trust for Neonatal Intensive Care Units

What an opportunity to give back...

In 2010 Endurance on 8th's Doc's Wendy & Kevin were blessed with the birth of their bouncing baby boy. "We were lucky, he was three weeks early but had no complications, and was a healthy baby boy". Many families across the country, face a more challenging process after the birth of their children. Many babies must spend time in Neonatal Intensive Care Units, and fight every day to survive.

At Endurance on 8th Health Centre, we were touched by the story of one of our friends, and want to encourage you all to give back in what ever way you can. Mother Day is Sunday May 8th, and Marks the Annual Mothers Day Road Race. If you are not already involved in the walk/run, then you can give back by making a donation.

If you are not already convinced here is the story of Caeden... "Caeden was born prematurely, weighing only 2 lbs and 3 oz. After 10 weeks Caeden was discharged home from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit provided dedicated care for Caeden during the first few months of his life."

Please check out the Tiny Miracles pledge page by clicking the link below.

IDFA Annual Winter Workshop

Endurance on 8th Health Centre's Super Doc's Host Another Amazing IDFA Workshop
We were so proud of the 55 registrants who enthusiastically attended our March 2011 IDFA workshop. To this date this is the largest camp we have held and it was truly our pleasure to work with aspiring fitness models, figure athletes and bodybuilders from all around Alberta!

These future competitors learned what it takes to do their best on show day, which by the way is Saturday May 7, at Mount Royal University, in Calgary. As the only official IDFA camp for the Western Canada Classic, we pride ourselves on teaching the proper way to pose, how to rock it on stage for your T-walk, and confidence on stage showing those mandatory bodybuilding poses for the guys. We were sponsored by the best in the industry, CABA fashions, Bronze Baxx tanning, Allmax, Interactive Nutrition and of course Endurance on 8th Health Centre.

We can't wait to see all of the athletes on May 7, and are counting down the days until our Fall Workshop!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Heart Healthy Tips

Live Heart Healthy
Risk Factors can contribute to heart disease. Here are factors you should discuss with your Doctor: (From the Heart & Stroke Foundation's website)

Risk issues you can do something about
High blood pressure (hypertension)
High blood cholesterol
Being overweight
Excessive alcohol consumption
Physical inactivity

Risk factors you cannot control
Family History
History of stroke or TIA (transient ischemic attack)

We want you all to live a healthier lifestyle. Part of that is promoting Active Living.
Physical inactivity
People who are physically inactive are twice as likely to be at risk for heart disease or stroke than people who are physically active. Active living is important to maintaining good heart health throughout your life. Being active means something different to everyone, whether it's gardening, walking or running. But any physical activity can have a positive impact on your heart health.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends Canadians make active living part of their daily lives. You don't even have to go for an intense workout to get these healthy benefits. Just 30 minutes most days of the week is all it takes to start, and everything counts, even gardening, housework or dancing with your kids. When you have acheived 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week, slowly work your way up to 60 minutes.

At Endurance on 8th Health Centre one way we promote Active Living is by offering Fit-Camps!
Our camps run Monday-Friday, and cater to all ability levels. We offer a nutrition plan and consistent guidance and check-points along the way.
Happy February and We wish you a very Healthy and Happy Journey Towards Active Living!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It is 2011 and we are really into the second decade of the 2000's, wow where did the time go! I remember when Seinfeld, Melrose Place and Friends were the shows of choice and laptops were new and novel. Ask yourself, how can you make this decade better and different than the last? What health goals do you want to set for yourself now that you didn't feel you had time for before? Certainly, New Years Resolutions are a great starting point for many, but how about a decade of Resolutions...this may give you more "time" to set realistic long terms goals, instead of just focusing on the here and now.

Here are some great starting points, that will take time to achieve, but will give you a vision that you can work towards a little bit at a time:
1. Plan a family or friendship reunion, good health can begin with support of family and friends, we all need to belong to something and feel connected to those who care about us!
2. Plan a lifestyle journey, this may be a hike in a distant land..., exploring foreign terrain, or as simple as making it to the Mountains right outside our front door!
3. Photo journalize your weight loss adventure over the next decade, take pictures, scrapbook them, put your pictures somewhere special and make that decision to look better and feel better every year! This is also a great excuse to get out and buy that new camera :)
4. Try a fitness competition, run, triathalon, power walk for charity, or relay race. There are endless possibilities for you to choose from, find something that is "YOU" and go for it.
5.Let you goals gain momentum over the next decade, find something that you want to do, include friends or family, take workshops, study it, find books or research about your goal, talk about it and let it transform your life into something amazing!!!!

Congratulations to you all on all the wonderful things you achieved in 2010 and we are so excited for all that is possible for 2011 and beyond!!!